Asus has finally launched the Fonepad 7 with dual-SIM functionality for Rs 12,999, at an event held in Delhi. In addition to the dual SIM slots, the latest Asus Fonepad 7 comes with an improved processor and camera compared to the refresh launched last year. The Fonepad 7 dual-SIM is the third variant of the tablet to reach Indian stores. Check out our review of the original Fonepad 7.
Asus Fonepad 7 Dual SIM sports a 7-inch LED Backlit IPS display with 1280×800 pixels of resolution. Under the hood, it comes powered by a dual-core Intel Atom Z2520 processor that’s clocked at 1.2 GHz and coupled with 1GB of RAM. The device also includes PowerVR SGX544 GPU graphics.
The tablet comes equipped with a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 1.2-megapixel front-facing camera. On the connectivity options include Wi-Fi and 3G, along with Bluetooth 3.0 and GPS support. The 8GB onboard storage is expandable up to 64GB via microSD card slot. It also gets 16GB of Asus web storage for one year. The tablet weighs 340 grams with 199.5 x 120.8 x 11.35mm dimensions. The tablet runs Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and packs in a 3950 mAh battery that promises 28 hours of talk time on 3G.
We’ll be bringing you an unboxing of the tablet as well as our first impressions. So stay tuned for more on the Asus Fonepad 7.
The tablet comes equipped with a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 1.2-megapixel front-facing camera. On the connectivity options include Wi-Fi and 3G, along with Bluetooth 3.0 and GPS support. The 8GB onboard storage is expandable up to 64GB via microSD card slot. It also gets 16GB of Asus web storage for one year. The tablet weighs 340 grams with 199.5 x 120.8 x 11.35mm dimensions. The tablet runs Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and packs in a 3950 mAh battery that promises 28 hours of talk time on 3G.
We’ll be bringing you an unboxing of the tablet as well as our first impressions. So stay tuned for more on the Asus Fonepad 7.
Source: Technology News 2014
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