Bharti Airtel Limited has launched its 4G services on mobile in three cities of India, Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula. Until now, Airtel customers of these cities were experiencing mobile internet on 2G speeds. Customers of these cities can experience high speed of internet browsing experience anytime, anywhere.
Customers using Apple iPhone 5s or 5c have to just upgrade their existing SIM to a 4G SIM and select from any 4G plan or pack to start enjoying mobile internet browsing at unbeatable speeds. Customers can walk into any of Airtel’s company operated stores in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkulato experience LIVE demos and get started on 4G.
“Tricity witnessed the advent of 4G last year and today we are proud to announce the launch of the much awaited 4G on mobile, empowering residents in the region to upgrade to the 4G – the fastest ever mobile broadband, matching their mobile internet experience with the rest of the world. As a brand we are committed to enriching the lives of millions and invite our data savvy customers in the city to enjoy this world class data experience which we are offering at unbeatable prices”, said Manu Sood, Hub CEO –Upper North, Bharti Airtel – India.
Customers will experience capabilities like high definition video streaming with zero buffering, downloading10 movies in less than 30 minutes, uploading full holiday albums in less than 5 minutes by uploading 2 high quality photos per second and also connecting multiple devices without any experience constraint...
Customers using Apple iPhone 5s or 5c have to just upgrade their existing SIM to a 4G SIM and select from any 4G plan or pack to start enjoying mobile internet browsing at unbeatable speeds. Customers can walk into any of Airtel’s company operated stores in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkulato experience LIVE demos and get started on 4G.
“Tricity witnessed the advent of 4G last year and today we are proud to announce the launch of the much awaited 4G on mobile, empowering residents in the region to upgrade to the 4G – the fastest ever mobile broadband, matching their mobile internet experience with the rest of the world. As a brand we are committed to enriching the lives of millions and invite our data savvy customers in the city to enjoy this world class data experience which we are offering at unbeatable prices”, said Manu Sood, Hub CEO –Upper North, Bharti Airtel – India.
Customers will experience capabilities like high definition video streaming with zero buffering, downloading10 movies in less than 30 minutes, uploading full holiday albums in less than 5 minutes by uploading 2 high quality photos per second and also connecting multiple devices without any experience constraint...
Source: Technology News
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