Lava is all set to bring a new budget smartphone running Android KitKat in the Indian market. The company has announced the Iris X1 that will be priced ‘under Rs 8,000′.
The device is designed to offer all features that ensure easy multitasking and high quality media output with an 8MP rear camera, it added. It sports a 4.5-inch display and runs on Android 4.4.2. Apart from the price teaser, the company hasn’t revealed any specific details of the smartphone.
“To add to it, Lava is going to price it aggressively under Rs 8k. Riding on the success of its Iris Pro series, Lava is really upbeat about this offering,” the statement said.
Though no specific date of launch was disclosed, the statement said Lava “plans to launch the phone in the next few days” with a pan-India 360-degree marketing campaign...
The device is designed to offer all features that ensure easy multitasking and high quality media output with an 8MP rear camera, it added. It sports a 4.5-inch display and runs on Android 4.4.2. Apart from the price teaser, the company hasn’t revealed any specific details of the smartphone.
“To add to it, Lava is going to price it aggressively under Rs 8k. Riding on the success of its Iris Pro series, Lava is really upbeat about this offering,” the statement said.
Though no specific date of launch was disclosed, the statement said Lava “plans to launch the phone in the next few days” with a pan-India 360-degree marketing campaign...
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