After Apple launched the iPhone 5s equipped with a fingerprint scanner, arch rival Samsung was all set to introduce “Eye-Scanning” unlock capability. If the latest reports are to be believed, then after several unsuccessful attempts Samsung has ditched the eye scanner for a finger-print scanner for its next flagship, Galaxy S5.
While the eye-scanner is given a miss, the Galaxy S5 is likely to get improved Air Gestures compared to its predecessor, allowing users to perform several functions without the need to touch its display. However, this doesn’t mean the company has completely ruled out the possibility of other security features. The KoreanHerald reveals that the company is testing different types of biometric scanners, but has given up on the “unintuitive user experience of iris recognition”.
Citing industry sources, the Korean publisher explained, “Who would want to put their handset up close to their eyes for authentication in places like movie theaters and bed, or even while driving?”
It is also believed that implementing iris recognition on phones requires an additional camera for the identification technology. This would lead to a bulkier device due to three camera modules. Moreover, iris recognition requires a long range camera, which would also mean a complete design overhaul compared to the previous Galaxy models. Read more..
While the eye-scanner is given a miss, the Galaxy S5 is likely to get improved Air Gestures compared to its predecessor, allowing users to perform several functions without the need to touch its display. However, this doesn’t mean the company has completely ruled out the possibility of other security features. The KoreanHerald reveals that the company is testing different types of biometric scanners, but has given up on the “unintuitive user experience of iris recognition”.
Citing industry sources, the Korean publisher explained, “Who would want to put their handset up close to their eyes for authentication in places like movie theaters and bed, or even while driving?”
It is also believed that implementing iris recognition on phones requires an additional camera for the identification technology. This would lead to a bulkier device due to three camera modules. Moreover, iris recognition requires a long range camera, which would also mean a complete design overhaul compared to the previous Galaxy models. Read more..
Source: Technology News in Hindi
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